
среда, 23 ноября 2016 г.

Несправедливость в органах опеки

Вчера 22 нояюря 2016 года случился вопиющий случай в моей жизни, 8 ноября 2016 г я получила заключение на то,чтобы быть усынвоительницей в России. И вчера специалист из опеки Всеволожского района Таятьяна Сергеевна забрада у меня это заключение обманным путем. В базе о детях, у которых нет родителей сейчас 59340 детей. а сотрудники опеки так поступают с людьми, которые хотят всем сердцем дать реюенку семь. и возможность иметь любовь родителей каждый день, Печаль!

суббота, 12 ноября 2016 г.

My heart leaps because God is doing a miracle

About 1,5 years ago God had given me an interesting thought about an idea to adopt a baby. It was so powerful that I couldn't think about anything else. I was so excited and I went online and started to look at kids. And I figured that there are so many even families where there are 3-4 siblings. It was such a surprise for me. I started to pray about it and now we are as close to be parents as it could be. While I was praying someone told me that God has adopted us and it is such a precious picture when you adopt a kind because it is the same sort of a picture. God has adopted us and we as earthly parents adopt and give a family to a kid who doesn't have parents . You know it is so amazing to realize that you will be a mom and you will be able to raise a kid who God gives you and be able to pray for him (her) and to tell a kid about Jesus and how great He is, etc. I am so excited about it all!

My dear friends! Our family is about to be bigger. WE hope by the end of this year we will be parents and our family will be  bigger! Please, pray for us for God's wisdom. We want Him to и glorified! And thank you that you read my blog. I hope you enjoy it! :)

Were Old Testament Believers Saved By Jesus?

среда, 2 ноября 2016 г.

How To Heal The Right Way: Finding Strength In Christ

Learning to Wait

Salvation For The Whole World

Obeying The Pastor